Monday, February 9, 2015

Don't Censor Me!

It's come to my attention that some people don't exactly like my blog and some earlier postings that I had and are trying to censor my writing. I get it, not everyone will always like your writing or your topics, but that's all apart of the game. People seem to forget that I started this blog to freely express myself, and to communicate feelings of mine to people I find difficult to really get to and reach.

I found out that some people are trying to give me some "friendly advice" about my blog. That I need to be careful about what I post because they "care about my public profile for future employers." Trust me, I've already thought about that. You do have to be careful about what you put on the internet these days, but how will writing a blog about my feelings affect me? I don't swear in here, I don't purposefully attack people. and if they do feel attacked, it's not my intention. It is my purpose to write this as professionally as possible while also discussing my personal feelings. These same people though won't actually speak to me about it...they have other people tell me. They aren't worried about my professional profile, they're concerned about me airing out issues for everyone to see. Afraid that now people will see the other side of something when all they've heard is the one side. So, yes, I feel a need to express my perceptions of things.

Before I started writing this blog, I kept my writing to personal journals and notebooks that whenever inspiration hit or something happened, I could write and yes, rant. I still write in those journals, but I also use this as a way to communicate to other people what I'm feeling. How is it my fault that someone can't understand or see what I'm saying? I got told that I need to leave my personal life for those notebooks and not bring up past incidences to the public eye. Why not? These "past incidence" people claim are resolved, really aren't. How can an issue be resolved when the two parties involved don't discuss and agree it's been resolved? It puzzles me. I just get appalled when people tell me what to do.

Why must people feel like they can censor MY writing? My purpose is to never just come on here and rant and rave about something that makes me angry. I may write about a topic that DOES anger me, but I do it in a way that I express those feelings in an artistic writing sense. Or at least try to.

Most people have been supportive of this blog and I've greatly appreciated it. I was scared to start this whole thing because I was afraid of how people would react. My family has been super supportive of my writing. So, just because a couple people don't like what I'm writing, doesn't mean I'm going to stop. I just think to myself, "if you don't want me to write about you, then don't do something to make me feeling like I have to in the first place." Haha. I'm just saying. There's always two sides to every story, and if I feel like people are only hearing one side, then why can't I express myself so it 1) opens peoples' perspective and 2) makes me feel better.

That's what writing does for me. It makes me feel better. I think I'm pretty good at writing too. It's just something I've always enjoyed doing and want to continue. Heck, I'm a marketing student, we constantly are writing! Haha.

So don't censor me! I'm not on here to purposefully hurt anyone or attack. I'm just expressing myself. I try to do it in the most tasteful and respectful way. Am I perfect? No. I can let feelings get the best of me, but maybe if people read what I'm truly feeling, they can understand and then come to me and discuss things. To those of you who have been so supportive of my writing, I do thank you. It's really helped me even in these first few weeks. I feel like I can start letting certain things off my chest that I have kept hidden and private in the past. I let things build and then I blow, so I feel this has been better for me. I've been able to connect more with some people and open that conversation up with people I may have been afraid to in the past.

I plan to continue writing frequently and honestly. I hope people continue to read, but if you can't handle hearing MY truth and MY opinion, then I guess you don't have to read it. Just don't go and try and tell me how I should write about my own blog. It's those people who are trying to censor me are the ones I'm trying to reach the most.

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