Tuesday, February 17, 2015

We're All Growing Up So Fast

I think I'm at that point in my life where I'm finally starting to realize how much time has flown these past few years. Yesterday, my little brother posted a picture on Facebook showing how his school picture frame is finally filled up with the addition on his senior picture. It just hit me, my little brother is all grown up! I'm getting old! Haha. All of these senior things he is going through right now too. This Saturday I'll be heading home to watch most likely the last hockey game I'll watch him play, and it's also senior night for the team. My mom had to make a poster of him and it's funny just looking at how little he was when he first started hockey and now he's down to his last games.

In a few months, I'll be graduating college and he'll be graduating from high school. The three of us were perfectly spaced: Kristi and I are 4 years apart, then Sam and I are 4 years apart (good one mom! haha). We'll have Sam's grad party, which means I'll be busy putting together his video of old pictures and family videos. I love going through all those pictures and home videos. Absolutely love it. It brings back memories I may have forgotten. We went on a lot of vacations growing up. Disney World, Las Vegas, Yellowstone, Glacier National Park, Hawaii, the Black Hills, Smokey Mountains, you name it! That's a lot of pictures and videos to go through! Haha.

It all seems like yesterday, but at the same time a distant memory. Sam is the baby, and will be venturing on with his own life. I know he wants to go into the Marines or Army....I'll be honest....that makes me nervous. Not that I have anything against someone choosing that path, I just never thought it'd be my own baby brother. I know people who currently serve in the armed forces and what it's like for their families. Honestly, if he ever got deployed, I'd be a nervous wreck everyday trying to drag his butt home. I know it's something he wants to do, serve his country. I guess I just wish he would get his education first. I want him to have something to fall back on. Even if its just an associates degree. Of course, he never listens to me. He just thinks I'm nagging him.

I look back at those pictures though, and you see things you didn't at the time of picture. Like, how Sam was always cuddled up to Kristi over me (because I guess Kristi was his protector...from me. lol). Or how if there is a picture of me with cake...yeah...I'm not looking at the camera, I'm staring at the cake. Mmmmmmmm, I like me some cake! Watching family videos, Sam had this obsession with doing peace signs all the time. And boy that SQUEEEEAKY high voice he had, with his BRIGHT blonde hair. Like no joke, he looked like he had white hair. Haha. And Kristi with her bicycle shorts, and me with my crop tops. I for sure couldn't wear anything like that today! Lol.

But now, it's all we have to remember. With Kristi down in Texas and seeing her only like twice a year, and with me graduating and hopefully staying in Winona, and Sam doing God knows what, will things change? I will say, I probably became closer to my family when I went to college, and especially recently. I speak to my parents on a daily basis, and even though we still fight, Sam and I are closer I feel. Kristi can be a little hard to get in touch with at times but I still keep in contact with her. Lol. So going through all this grad party prep for Sam now is exciting but sad at the same time.

We all grew up so fast. And at times, I feel glad to be grown up, but there are still times I wish we could go back to those Black Hills family trips practically every summer. For the longest time, that's where we went every year, but it never bothered us. We loved going out there. I still find myself saying the Black Hills when Nicholas asks where I'd like to go on family vacations someday. It brought so many good memories. So, going through pictures and videos kind of puts a freeze in time, even if momentarily. Mom and I have gotten some good laughs going through all of them too. Like no joke, we've cried from laughing so hard. We were an entertaining family, I will say that. Haha. Still are. We may fight and bicker at times, but we still love each other. I wish we could have another Black Hills trip together. Unfortunately, schedules never work anymore. The last trip out there I took was with Mom and Kristi after my high school graduation, and that brought some funny memories. Lol. I just miss those moments.

When did we all grow up so fast?...it's not cool. I'm so glad though we do have those pictures and videos though. No matter where we all go with our lives, we still will have each other and those memories. So, to my siblings, just know I love you both very very very much and I wish I could spend more time with you. Even if at times it may not seem like it. I don't want to end up those siblings that never speak to each other. Let's not get like that. Distance is only measured in miles, not emotions. We all grew up so fast, but that doesn't mean we can't still be those 3 kids sitting in the backseat of the van, fighting over which movie we're going to watch next, only for Grandma to say "I think I'll cut an apple" just to get us to shut up. Those memories live forever.

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