Sunday, February 1, 2015

Goals and Dreams

Goals and dreams...something everyone has in their life. Some change as time goes on, some stay with you forever. And then there those that have changed for you, but to others, believe are still there. 

When I was about 14 years old, I stated that my ultimate goal in life was to buy the New York Yankees, just so I could run them into the ground. It's something a lot of people have gotten a good laugh out of over the years. So, obviously, as I got older, people have always TOLD me that my goal is to work in sports. I mean, yes, sure, that it my dream. I would love to work in sports some day. Absolutely. However, is it my #1 priority as of right now? No. 

When I came to college, I started off as an accounting major, wanting to become a CPA someday. Man, was I wrong. I wasn't really any good at my accounting classes, and honestly, I had no passion for it. I ended up switching my major to marketing about half way through school. Thankfully, a lot of the core business classes were the same, so I'm happily graduating on time this Spring. So, now I'm in the process of that dreadful job search...

"We're looking for someone with experience." The same line I've heard over and over from HR people. I just keep thinking to myself, "how am I suppose to get experience if no one will give me experience???" It's frustrating and kind of defeating at times. And then, it gets even more difficult trying to defend my choices to other people. I'm looking to stick around Winona to stay close to my boyfriend, Nicholas. He has a few more years left in school. 

Automatically when I tell people that, people automatically assume I'm giving up everything for a man and he's forcing me to stay. It's quite the opposite. He's the one constantly telling me that if I needed to leave for work, then he would support me and following me in a few years. However...staying here is MY choice. We did the long distance thing at the beginning of our relationship. I HATED it. So, why is staying around Winona so bad? It's a good town, and I have access of other surrounding cities I can work in. I need that experience anyways right? That's what I can do down here. Get experience so when he does graduate and we might have to move, I have experience to get a job more towards what I want. To be honest, I don't really know what kind of job I want right now. I'm still learning about myself. Your first job isn't always the perfect one anyways. 

To be perfect honest too...the perfect job isn't my #1 goal. Want to know what is? Being a mom. I may be years away from that, but down the line, that's what I want to be. I've always wanted to be a mom, have a big family, and be that sports family. Haha. There are things I know need to be done before thinking about kids, but don't be fooled. I would choose my family over any job. 

Then, there's the opposite side of the spectrum. There are a lot of people out there that believe I am holding Nicholas back. When he chose Winona State, everyone assumed it was only because of me. WRONG! People didn't want to believe that though because he didn't chose a school they wanted just so he could play football (even though both of those school's teams aren't very good fyi). He had a bad shoulder though. A torn labrum. He was constantly in pain. Now, he has it fixed and it's been so amazing for him. However, the best part of him coming here? His education. He's received so many opportunities while being down here. Working in elementary schools, coaching, you name it. So many good things for him. But people only see what they want to see. 

Everyone believes we hold each other back, when in reality, we are each other's biggest supporters. We work hard at school to prove to those who told us our grades would slip. We each have our own things going for us, and are always there to encourage each other. This job hunt for me is stressful, and some days I just cry because I'm afraid I won't find something. He's right there telling me he believes in me and that it will all work out. That I just have to be patient. He's been offered some coaching jobs, and I'm right there pushing him to do it. It's what he wants to do: coach. Whether its high school, college, or professional. Wherever we have to go, that's what we'll do.
We will work as a team to accomplish BOTH of our goals. We're a team. We always will be. 

People say we are too young to be too serious. I don't think people want to believe that we can do this together. But I know we can. We push each other to accomplish our goals and dreams, no matter how many we have or even when they change every other day. We're there for each other. I hope others will see that and decide that instead of fighting our choices, they support them and cheer us on along the way. We will continue on no matter what people say or think, so it doesn't help them to bring us down. 

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